Saturday, May 11, 2024

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Why Choose TypeScript and This Course? - Mastering TypeScript


ECMAScript standards are being ratified and published on a yearly basis, therefore introducing new language elements quite rapidly. TypeScript provides a way to use features of these standards in our applications today.

Introduction to TypeScript - Mastering TypeScript


“TypeScript generates JavaScript,” to quote Anders Hejlsberg, the designer of the TypeScript language.

Introduction to TypeScript - Mastering TypeScript


Apache Cordova is a fully-fledged web server that runs as a native mobile phone application, meaning that JavaScript, HTML, and CSS can be used to create mobile applications.

Introduction to TypeScript - Mastering TypeScript


It is in the building of these JavaScript applications where TypeScript comes into its own. JavaScript is an interpreted language, and as such has benefits but also drawbacks. Interpreted languages do not have a compilation step and therefore can’t check that all code written has no minor mistakes in spelling or syntax before it is actually run. TypeScript is a strongly typed, object-oriented language that uses a compiler to generate JavaScript. The compiler will identify errors within the code base even before it is run in an interpreter.

Jim Simons has died | Hacker News


“Be guided by beauty. I really mean that. Pretty much everything I’ve done has had an aesthetic component, at least to me. Now you might think ‘well, building a company that’s trading bonds, what’s so aesthetic about that?’ But, what’s aesthetic about it is doing it right. Getting the right kind of people, and approaching the problem, and doing it right […] it’s a beautiful thing to do something right.”

- Jim Simons

Jim Simons has died | Hacker News


“The Man Who Solved The Market” is fascinating because it spans almost the entire history quantitative finance (through the lens of RenTech) dating back to the 1970s.

Simmons was one of the first to realize the advantage of collecting and analyzing vast sums of data to identify patterns in financial markets. They were digitizing magnetic tapes and collecting more data than they could even process given technical limitations of the time.

Jim Simons has died | Hacker News


There are some interesting interviews around rentech. It starts to feel like they made a lot of money out of being extremely thorough, by doing a lot of reasonably simple (at least by the standards of math phds) things extremely well.